Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Baby Messages Is It Tacky To Include A Message On A Baby Registry That Says "gift Cards Would Be Great Too"?

Is it tacky to include a message on a baby registry that says "gift cards would be great too"? - new baby messages

I am pregnant with my first child and I really need. I have tons of adorable clothes and things like that, but I'm worried about how we pay for most things fine, as the cradle and car seat? Do you think it would be in bad taste, contain a message in our file that says something like "gift cards would be great too! Or should I go?" I thought it might be more easy for the big things, if we receive gift cards to pay as a gift. What are your thoughts?


Alesha S said...

It would be tacky to ask for gift cards. Some see this as a gift not only wanted his money. Place large items on its registry. Some people may want to go together to get you. I know that can put you at Target in your file that you also accept gift cards, but added that the message might offend some people. Also, remember that some things like you that can double it or not, and where the exchange of them, you can place these items in your major. That's what I do with my first. I have 2 of everything that was, lived in a small town and do not have to sign up. When she took it all in the exchange, ended with about $ 100 to spend on things that I did not, but he wanted to.

Simply Me! said...

First: Congratulations! No, I think it is bad taste at all. It's like children's clothes, and put in a B-Day invitation size. I think it goes well. Because some people may not know what not to do or do not want it is good for a gift for a gift card duplicate. Some people can the possibilities of a greeting card, because they are thinking and considering whether or unpleasant inpersoal ur thinking only for those who have no idea what it receives to help. I think it is acceptable. Good luck!

Oh a note to be placed on how ... I do not know what to do, how to have a greeting card or a gift card is also good. something. Just a thought!

Jacquie said...

The non-tacky definietly ask for gift cards! Another thing that people are asked to make your baby shower is that people buy a book for children for the baby, instead of on the map! and write their names. but instead of having all these cards is that some dust or end up in the trash.

Snowwolf said...

Many places you can search the results to the rule of ($ 20, $ 30, $ have 50, etc.) gift cards directly through the data. You can see if their site can register that way gift cards to allow, without sealing.

RadioDiv... said...

Depending on where you are registered, many of whom also gift cards.

I hope that most gift cards, too!

I am registered at Target and Wal-Mart and you can register for the GC.

Vampyr said...

In most places you can bring clothes and toys in bad taste for a refund?

Best Mom!! said...

I think it's a good idea. You may want to ask something:

Gift cards are also very popular. Thank you.

Jillian's mom said...

Not at all. If you are a gift that you can, and if they do not know when the idea can help a greeting card.

Due April 29th with a boy! said...

No, madam, it does not taste bad. and if anyone felt offended by what should only buy a product and keep moving.

KandyKat said...

Yes, it would be in bad taste.

KandyKat said...

Yes, it would be in bad taste.

Busy Barbie 007 said...

Gift registry online baby r us and objectives contained in the list for you.

lilpoonu... said...

I think it's a good idea.

Kelly S said...

Here's how I look, most people in your baby shower will be near relatives and close friends. Would you be afraid to ask anything? I think not. I mean, you can always talk about these things, what they do when, but at least they know they can wish it so. I registered at my invitation, at Babies R Us, which does not necessarily mean that he should find something for my subscription, and not everyone has. For gift cards, speak .... You have people think, "it is bad taste to get a gift card? If you give the message that he knows she is not.:) No problem.

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